Private Investigations

Uncover the truth discreetly with our private investigation solutions, ensuring your security and peace of mind.

private investigators team

About Private Investigations

Private investigations are among the most common services provided by the investigators from Romania. Our investigators have extensive experience. Private investigations differ greatly from the economic and financial ones. Our investigators boast a high rate of success in carrying out such services.

Your request for an investigation may be backed by various reasons. Maybe you wish to identify the person that you have conversated with on the internet. You may want to find out the true identity of an upsetting neighbour. Have you been adopted and you wish to find your relatives? There are many reasons for requesting a private investigation.

Our investigators from Romania have a vast experience in such investigation, they are professionals and are able to handle any situation. Contact us with confidence to find out the truth. The most efficient private investigators from Romania will work for you. No matter the cass's complexity, we will be of great help.

Private Investigations

Private investigation refers to the profession and practice of conducting investigations on behalf of individuals, businesses, or organizations, typically in a discreet and confidential manner. Private investigators, often referred to as PIs or private detectives, are trained professionals who specialize in gathering information, uncovering facts, and providing a wide range of investigative services to their clients. These services may encompass various areas, including legal, personal, corporate, and financial matters.

Common Types of Private Investigation Services

Private investigators play a crucial role in helping individuals and organizations uncover the truth, protect their interests, and make informed decisions. Whether it's a matter of personal concern or a complex corporate investigation, private investigators offer a valuable resource for those in need of information and resolution.

Background Checks

Conducting background checks is a common service provided by private investigators. This can include verifying the background of potential romantic partners, caregivers, employees, or business associates. Background checks can reveal criminal records, financial history, and more.


Monitoring and observing individuals or locations to gather information or evidence.

Infidelity Investigations

Suspicion of a spouse or partner being unfaithful often leads individuals to hire private investigators. These investigations involve discreet surveillance, background checks, and evidence gathering to confirm or debunk suspicions of infidelity.

Missing Persons

Private investigators can assist in locating missing persons, whether it's a runaway family member, a long-lost friend, or someone who has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. They use investigative techniques and databases to trace the person's whereabouts.

Child Custody and Welfare Investigations

In cases of child custody disputes, private investigators can assess the well-being of children in a particular household to ensure they are safe and cared for. This may involve surveillance and interviews.

Stalker Identification and Mitigation

When individuals believe they are being stalked or harassed, private investigators can help identify the stalker and gather evidence to support protective orders or legal action.

Asset Searches

Private investigators can help locate hidden assets, such as real estate, bank accounts, or investments, in cases of divorce, probate, or financial disputes.

Online Dating Scam Investigations

With the rise of online dating, individuals may fall victim to romance scams. Private investigators can help verify the identity and intentions of online connections.

Teen Monitoring

Parents concerned about their teenagers' activities can hire private investigators to discreetly monitor their children's behavior and whereabouts.

Elder Abuse Investigations

Private investigators can help protect vulnerable elderly individuals by investigating cases of potential abuse or financial exploitation.

Personal Security Assessments

For individuals concerned about their personal safety, private investigators can assess vulnerabilities, provide recommendations, and even offer personal security services.

Personal investigations are conducted with the utmost discretion and professionalism to protect the privacy and well-being of the client. Private investigators use their skills and resources to provide clarity, uncover the truth, and assist individuals in making informed decisions about personal matters.